Seal Kit

About this product

The Seal Kit (#04422-20010), a pivotal Drive-Chassis part in the Front Axle Hub system, plays a crucial role in maintaining the vehicle's optimum operation. It acts as a protective barrier that inhibits the intrusion of dirt, water, and other contaminants into the wheel bearings and hub. Its function is critical to the longevity of the parts within the system. As this kit ages, seal degradation may occur, leading to potential leaks and exposure to contaminants. This can lead to accelerated wear and tear, affecting the vehicle’s performance, safety, and efficiency. Therefore, periodic replacement of the Seal Kit (#04422-20010) with genuine parts, which are tailored for compatibility with Toyota vehicles and backed by Toyota’s genuine parts warranty, is highly recommended. The Seal Kit (#04422-20010) significantly contributes to the system's overall efficiency by preserving the integrity of the Front Axle Hub system, enhancing the vehicle's safety, performance, and longevity.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 04422-20010

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