Noise Shutter Seal

About this product

The Noise Shutter Seal (#59198-12010), a crucial body part of the Side Member system in Toyota vehicles, primarily acts as a barrier to block unwanted noise while the car is in motion. It achieves this by fitting snugly within the system, creating a secure seal that blocks noise transmission. As part of the system, it interacts closely with other components like the door and window seals. Like any part, the Noise Shutter Seal (#59198-12010) is susceptible to wear and tear over time. If it becomes old or broken, excessive noise might infiltrate the vehicle, creating an uncomfortable driving environment. Genuine Toyota parts are preferable for compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. An effective Noise Shutter Seal (#59198-12010) contributes to the overall comfort and enjoyment of your drive, enhancing the efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 59198-01010;61825-44010
Part Number 59198-12010

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