Rack End Dust Seal

About this product

The Rack End Dust Seal (#45539-22010), a critical Drive-Chassis component in the Front Steering Gear & Link system, provides a protective barrier against harmful contaminants. This auto part is essential for maintaining the smooth operation of the steering mechanism, safeguarding against the intrusion of dust and debris. As the Rack End Dust Seal (#45539-22010) ages, its effectiveness is compromised, potentially allowing contaminants to interfere with the steering system's performance. If left unattended, this can lead to premature wear or even system failure. It's with good reason that periodic replacement is recommended. Genuine parts from Toyota Autoparts not only offer vehicle compatibility but are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Rack End Dust Seal (#45539-22010)'s role in maintaining a clean, efficient steering system underlines its importance for the overall safety and performance of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 45539-22010

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