Front Pillar To Front Side Seal Sub-Assembly Right Hand

About this product

The Front Pillar To Front Side Seal Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#53805-60090), a critical component within the Hood & Front Fender system of a Toyota vehicle, serves a crucial role in maintaining the vehicle's structural integrity. As part of the body framework, it provides stability and fortification to the pillars and sides of the vehicle. Using genuine Toyota parts like these enhances vehicle compatibility and offers better performance. Over time, this part can experience wear and tear. When it becomes old or damaged, the seal may no longer provide the necessary robustness or stability to the vehicle body, potentially compromising its safety. Therefore, periodic replacement of this part is essential. Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs this sub-assembly, reaffirming its quality and reliability. The Front Pillar To Front Side Seal Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#53805-60090) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle by maintaining the structural robustness of the body, thus keeping the vehicle and its occupants safer.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 53805-60090

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