Type T Oil Seal

About this product

The Type T Oil Seal (#90311-16002) is a crucial Drive-Chassis part situated in the Gear Shift Fork & Lever Shaft of manual transmission systems. This part is responsible for preventing the leakage of transmission oils, thereby maintaining optimal lubrication. Genuine Toyota parts like the Type T Oil Seal (#90311-16002) offer perfect fitting and compatibility with your vehicle, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The continuous operation, heat, and pressure can degrade the Oil Seal over time, necessitating its periodic replacement. A worn-out, clogged, or broken Oil Seal may result in oil leakage, leading to insufficient lubrication, premature wear of other transmission components, and potentially costly repairs. By maintaining a secure seal and ensuring adequate lubrication, the Type T Oil Seal (#90311-16002) enhances the efficiency of the transmission system and contributes to the overall safety and performance of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90311-16002

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