Type T Oil Seal

About this product

The Type T Oil Seal (#90311-22005), a crucial drive-chassis component, sits within the Transfer Lever & Shift Rod system of Toyota vehicles. This part is primarily responsible for preventing leaks in the transmission and differential fluids. When your vehicle is in operation, the Oil Seal creates a tight seal between stationary and moving components, preventing fluid from escaping. As with any auto part, the Type T Oil Seal (#90311-22005) requires periodic replacement. Over time, if the seal becomes aged, broken, or clogged, it may allow unwanted fluid leakage, potentially leading to mechanical failures or damage in related parts, such as the transmission or differential. Choosing genuine parts, like the Type T Oil Seal (#90311-22005), ensures compatibility with your vehicle and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, this part is a small but vital component that contributes significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle's drive-chassis system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90311-22005

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