Type T Oil Seal

About this product

The Type T Oil Seal (#90311-36001), a crucial component within Toyota's Drive-Chassis Rear Axle Shaft & Hub and Rear Spring & Shock Absorber systems, plays a primary role in preventing the leakage of fluids. It serves as a barrier, blocking contaminants from entering these systems while averting leakages that could impair overall functioning. As with any auto part, periodic replacement of the Type T Oil Seal (#90311-36001) is of the essence. An aged, clogged, or broken seal can lead to leakages, contaminating the systems and causing potential damage. Choosing genuine Toyota Autoparts not only fosters vehicle compatibility, but it also brings the assurance of being backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, the Type T Oil Seal (#90311-36001) contributes significantly to the efficiency and safety of the systems. Its optimal function helps maintain the performance and longevity of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90311-36001

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