Type T Oil Seal

About this product

The Type T Oil Seal (#90311-38013) is a vital component in Toyota's Engine-Fuel Cylinder Head and Timing Gear Cover & Rear End Plate systems. This seal plays a pivotal role in preventing oil leaks and contamination, preserving the efficiency of the engine. During operation, it maintains a tight seal around moving parts, such as the crankshaft, preventing contaminants from entering the engine while keeping engine oil in. Like all parts, the Type T Oil Seal (#90311-38013) requires periodic replacement before it becomes old, clogged, or broken. Neglecting this can lead to oil leaks, decreased engine performance, and potential damages to other engine components. Genuine Toyota parts are designed for vehicle compatibility, and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, adding another layer of assurance for your vehicle's performance. In essence, the Type T Oil Seal (#90311-38013) contributes significantly to the overall system efficiency and safety, effectively maintaining optimal engine performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90311-38024;11302-25010;11400-40061;90311-38111;11400-40060;90311-38002
Part Number 90311-38013

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