Type T Oil Seal

About this product

The Type T Oil Seal (#90311-41009), a vital component in both the Drive-Chassis Front Axle Housing & Differential system and the Drive-Chassis Rear Axle Housing & Differential system, is designed to seal the important fluids within these systems. The seal prevents leakage, ensuring the systems function optimally and efficiently. When the seal is functioning properly, it keeps the differential oil separate from the brake system. If the seal becomes old or damaged, however, it could lead to leakage, contamination, and potentially serious damage to the differential system or brakes. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for their compatibility with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Promoting the overall efficiency, reliability, and safety of your vehicle, the Type T Oil Seal (#90311-41009) is a critical piece of your Toyota's performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90311-41009

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