Seal Upper

About this product

The Seal Upper (#SU003-01894), a crucial body part in the Cowl Panel & Windshield Glass system, plays a vital role in maintaining the vehicle's integrity. Functioning as a robust barrier, it prevents water, dust, and other elements from entering the vehicle's interior. Components such as the windshield and cowl panel rely on the Seal Upper (#SU003-01894) to stay secure and function optimally. Like most parts, the Seal Upper (#SU003-01894) requires periodic replacement. An old or defective seal may allow harmful elements into the vehicle's interior, leading to potential damage. Genuine Toyota Seal Upper (#SU003-01894)s offer compatibility with Toyota vehicles and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Seal Upper (#SU003-01894) significantly contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of its system, maintaining the vehicle's interior environment and ensuring the longevity of associated parts.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-01894

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