Rect Hal Sealed Beam

About this product

The Rect Hal Sealed Beam (#00234-60H54), a vital Electrical part in the Headlamp system, plays a primary role in providing a clear and bright illumination during night driving or low-light conditions. It operates by focusing light across the road using a reflector and lens sealed with a halogen gas-filled bulb. As an integral part of the Toyota Autoparts, the Rect Hal Sealed Beam (#00234-60H54) is designed for compatibility with specific vehicle models and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, over time, the beam might dim or burn out, potentially compromising your visibility and safety on the road. Failure to replace a worn-out or non-functional beam could lead to decreased illumination, reducing the driver’s ability to see and be seen by other motorists. Ultimately, a well-functioning Rect Hal Sealed Beam (#00234-60H54) contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle's lighting system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 00060-60H54;81110-35170;81150-35150;90981-04016;90981-04020;90981-04043
Part Number 00234-60H54

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