Injection Nozzle Seat

About this product

The Injection Nozzle Seat (#11176-64020), a crucial component in the Cylinder Head system, plays a vital role in the engine-fuel operation of your Toyota vehicle. This seat functions as the fail-safe intermediary between the nozzle and the cylinder head, ensuring the precise injection of fuel into the combustion chamber. As a genuine Toyota part, it offers optimal compatibility with your vehicle and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, over time, the Injection Nozzle Seat (#11176-64020) may wear out or become clogged, impacting the efficiency of fuel injection and potentially leading to engine damage. Therefore, it requires regular monitoring and replacement. In conclusion, a well-maintained Injection Nozzle Seat (#11176-64020) contributes significantly to the overall performance and safety of your vehicle, ensuring the engine runs smoothly with the proper amount of fuel delivered in each combustion cycle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 11101-64051;11101-64011;11101-64050;11101-64320;11101-64040;11101-64052;11101-64071;11101-64041;11101-64070;11101-64330;11101-64072 More
Part Number 11176-64020

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