Valve Intake O/S 0.03 Seat

About this product

The Valve Intake O/S 0.03 Seat (#11132-35011), a key component in Toyota's engine-fuel system, plays a pivotal role in the Cylinder Head system. It controls the fuel and air mixture entering the engine, which is crucial for combustion. A genuine Toyota part, it ensures optimal compatibility and performance, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. When in operation, this valve opens to allow the fuel-air mixture to enter the combustion chamber and closes after the combustion process. Over time, carbon deposits can build up on the valve, reducing its effectiveness. This can lead to engine inefficiency, decreased power, and increased fuel consumption. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary. This part's effective operation contributes significantly to the engine's performance and overall vehicle safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 11132-35010
Part Number 11132-35011

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