Sen Assembly-Fuel Prs

About this product

The Sen Assembly-Fuel Prs (#SU003-08414), an electrical part in the Electronic Fuel Injection System, plays a crucial role in Toyota Autoparts vehicles. It's key to proper fuel pressure regulation, ensuring that the engine receives an ideal amount of fuel. This part communicates with the engine control unit (ECU) and adjusts fuel pressure based on the data received. With time and use, this part can become clogged, worn, or even break. A faulty Sen Assembly-Fuel Prs (#SU003-08414) may cause poor fuel economy, decreased engine performance, or even engine damage. For this reason, periodic replacement is necessary. Choosing genuine Toyota Autoparts, like the Sen Assembly-Fuel Prs (#SU003-08414), offers optimal compatibility with your vehicle. Plus, these genuine parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining your vehicle with genuine parts, you're not only boosting its efficiency but also its safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-08414

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