Sen Assembly-A/F Ratio

About this product

The Sen Assembly-A/F Ratio (#SU003-00425) is a crucial electrical component in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of your Toyota vehicle. It serves a crucial role in measuring and monitoring the air-fuel mixture in the engine, ensuring optimal combustion and fuel efficiency. This process involves sensors and automotive programmable chips that function flawlessly with genuine Toyota parts. However, like all parts, the Sen Assembly-A/F Ratio (#SU003-00425) can become old or clogged over time, and its performance may decline. This decline can lead to an imbalanced air-fuel mixture which negatively impacts fuel economy and engine performance. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary and always advisable. By using genuine Toyota parts, you also benefit from Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In addition to offering perfect compatibility with your vehicle, these parts significantly contribute to the overall efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00425

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