Power Door Sensor Assembly

About this product

The Power Door Sensor Assembly (#84260-08060), a key component in Toyota's Rear Door Panel & Glass system, plays a primary role in the automated operation of vehicle doors. When the vehicle is locked or unlocked, this assembly senses and relays information to the door lock actuator, facilitating the automatic locking and unlocking of doors. The Power Door Sensor Assembly (#84260-08060), like other auto parts, requires periodic replacement. Over time, it can wear out, become clogged, or break down, leading to malfunctions in the door locking system. Such issues, if unattended, could compromise the vehicle's safety by either making it difficult to secure the car or trapping occupants inside. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for optimal compatibility with your vehicle. They are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty for your peace of mind. By ensuring the efficiency of the power door lock system, the Power Door Sensor Assembly (#84260-08060) contributes significantly to the overall safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84260-08060

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