Sensor Assembly

About this product

The Sensor Assembly (#SU003-A0022), an integral electrical component in Toyota's Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct system, significantly contributes to the system's functioning. This part continuously monitors air temperature and pressure, feeding data to the car's computer for optimum climate control inside your vehicle. However, over time, the Sensor Assembly (#SU003-A0022) may become clogged or worn out, impairing its ability to transmit accurate data. This can lead to inefficient air conditioning operation, potential system damage, or failure. Therefore, regular replacement of the Sensor Assembly (#SU003-A0022) with genuine Toyota parts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is vital for maintaining optimal vehicle compatibility and the system's efficiency. In summary, the Sensor Assembly (#SU003-A0022) is crucial for maintaining a comfortable and safe driving environment through efficient climate control functionality in your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-A0022

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