Belt Warning Occupant Detection Sensor

About this product

The Belt Warning Occupant Detection Sensor (#89953-WAA02), a key component in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of your Toyota vehicle, plays a vital role in maintaining an optimal safety standard. It functions by detecting the occupancy status in the passenger seat and triggers the seat belt warning if the seat belt isn't fastened. Components involved in its functioning include the seat sensors, seat belt switch, and the warning light system. Remember, the use of genuine parts from Toyota not only secures vehicle compatibility but also receives backing from Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If this part becomes old or non-functional, it may fail to prompt the seat belt warning, posing a significant safety risk. In conclusion, the Belt Warning Occupant Detection Sensor (#89953-WAA02) directly contributes to the safety efficiency of your Toyota by ensuring that all occupants are belted up properly.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 89953-WAA02

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