Kick Door Control Sensor

About this product

The Kick Door Control Sensor (#891B2-0W030) is a key component within the Switch & Relay & Computer system of a Toyota vehicle. This electrical auto part plays a crucial role in activating the automatic opening and closing of the vehicle's doors. When a kick movement is detected beneath the vehicle's rear bumper, the sensor sends a signal to the system to activate the door mechanism. Though built to last, it's important to replace this sensor periodically. An old, non-functional Kick Door Control Sensor (#891B2-0W030) can cause inconvenience and potential safety hazards as it may not respond when needed. Moreover, when choosing a replacement, it's recommended to use only genuine Toyota parts, which are specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Kick Door Control Sensor (#891B2-0W030) is a critical component contributing to the overall convenience and safety of the vehicle, enhancing the user experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 891B2-0W030

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