Speedometer Sensor

About this product

The Speedometer Sensor (#83181-42010), a crucial component in Toyota's Switch & Relay & Computer system, plays a pivotal role in maintaining accurate vehicle speed information. It operates by detecting the rotation speed of the transmission output shaft and relaying this data to the car's computer system. This in turn allows the speedometer to display the correct speed. Over time, the Speedometer Sensor (#83181-42010) may wear out, become clogged, or break, leading to incorrect speed readings or total failure of the speedometer. Regular replacement of this genuine Toyota part helps avoid these issues, and like all genuine Toyota parts, the Speedometer Sensor (#83181-42010) comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, the Speedometer Sensor (#83181-42010) contributes significantly to the safety and efficiency of the vehicle. By providing accurate speed data, it helps the driver maintain safe and legal speeds, while also interacting with other system components to optimize fuel efficiency.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 83181-42010

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