Height Control Sensor Sub-Assembly Rear Right Hand

About this product

The Height Control Sensor Sub-Assembly Rear Right Hand (#89407-60010) is an integral part of the Electronic Modulated Suspension system in Toyota vehicles. Its primary function is to monitor vehicle height and relay this data to the controlling unit which adjusts the suspension accordingly. This vital electrical auto part plays a significant role in maintaining vehicle balance and driver control. Over time, the sensor can become worn, damaged, or unresponsive. Failure to replace it may result in poor suspension performance, uneven tire wear, and compromised vehicle safety. Trust only genuine Toyota parts for compatibility and reliability. Remember, all genuine Toyota parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining optimal vehicle height regardless of load, the Height Control Sensor Sub-Assembly Rear Right Hand (#89407-60010) contributes to overall vehicle efficiency and safety. This promotes smooth, controlled driving even under varying road conditions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 89407-60010

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