Turbo Pressure Sensor

About this product

The Turbo Pressure Sensor (#89421-12150) is a vital auto part in Toyota vehicles, specifically in the Electrical Electronic Controlled Diesel (Ecd) system and the Electrical Electronic Fuel Injection System. This component monitors the pressure levels within the turbocharger, adjusting the fuel-air mixture to optimize performance. Working in tandem with the turbocharger, it can prevent engine damage from excessive pressure. However, like all parts, it can deteriorate over time. A worn or non-functional sensor could result in irregular engine performance, decreased fuel efficiency, or even damage to the turbocharger itself. Thus, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is crucial for maintaining optimal vehicle performance, and these parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In summary, the Turbo Pressure Sensor (#89421-12150) plays a significant role in ensuring the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle's engine system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 89421-12150

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