Ultrasonic Sensor #1

The Ultrasonic Sensor #1 (#89341K0070C9), a critical component in Toyota's Electrical/Clearance & Back Sonar system, plays a pivotal role in detecting obstacles and maintaining vehicle safety. This sensor utilizes sound waves to measure distance and detect objects, thereby assisting in parking or navigating tight spaces. The use of genuine Toyota Ultrasonic Sensor #1 (#89341K0070C9)s ensures optimal compatibility and performance. Plus, each genuine part is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, sensors may require periodic replacement due to wear or damage. A non-functional sensor can compromise the clearance system, leading to potential accidents or vehicle damage. In conclusion, the Ultrasonic Sensor #1 (#89341K0070C9) significantly enhances the vehicle's safety by facilitating precise navigation and obstacle avoidance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 89341-K0070-C9
Color Name Gray Metallic

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