Water Temperature Sensor

About this product

The Water Temperature Sensor (#89422-20010), a vital auto part in Toyota's Electrical Electronic Fuel Injection System and Electrical Switch & Relay & Computer system, closely monitors engine coolant temperature. It relays this data to the engine control unit (ECU), which adjusts fuel injection and ignition timing based on this feedback. As such, the sensor plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal engine performance and fuel efficiency. However, old or faulty sensors can lead to incorrect data transmission, potentially causing engine overheating or poor fuel consumption. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary. Genuine Toyota parts ensure compatibility and are protected by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In summary, the Water Temperature Sensor (#89422-20010) contributes to overall vehicle efficiency and safety by helping to maintain correct engine temperature and optimizing fuel consumption.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 89422-20010

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