Cylinder Head Cover Separator

About this product

The Cylinder Head Cover Separator (#11221-35020), a key engine-fuel part in the Cylinder Head system, plays a vital role in maintaining the efficiency of your Toyota vehicle. It separates oil and air mixtures entering the cylinder head, optimising the engine's performance. With time, this part may become worn, clogged, or broken, impacting the system's performance, which can lead to a less efficient engine and higher fuel consumption. Opting for a genuine Toyota Cylinder Head Cover Separator (#11221-35020) ensures compatibility with your vehicle and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Replacing this part when recommended is crucial. In conclusion, the Cylinder Head Cover Separator (#11221-35020) significantly contributes to your engine's efficiency, ensuring smooth and optimal performance. By using genuine Toyota parts, you are investing in the longevity, safety and fuel efficiency of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 11221-35020

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