Package Tray Trim Shade

About this product

The Package Tray Trim Shade (#64333-07041), part of Toyota's Package Tray Panel & Luggage Compartment Mat system, plays a significant role in securing and protecting belongings stowed in the vehicle trunk area. Its main function involves providing a cover for the trunk space, thereby hiding any items contained within it from view and offering an additional layer of protection against potential damage. This Toyota Autoparts component is designed to fit seamlessly with your vehicle for optimal compatibility. Like all genuine parts, the Package Tray Trim Shade (#64333-07041) is covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Replacement of this part is critical as it ages, as wear and tear could lead to a compromised fit or diminished protective properties. If left unchecked, this could expose your luggage compartment to potential damage or security risks. In the broader context of the vehicle's efficiency and safety, the Package Tray Trim Shade (#64333-07041) contributes by acting as a protective barrier, enhancing the vehicle's security measures and maintaining the integrity of the luggage compartment.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 64333-07040
Part Number 64333-07041

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