Input Shaft Assembly

About this product

The Input Shaft Assembly (#35710-47040), a critical component in the Transaxle Assy (Hv Or Ev Or Fcv) system, plays a vital role in transmitting engine power to the vehicle's wheels. As the engine operates, the input shaft, connected to the clutch, spins, subsequently driving the gears and propelling the vehicle forward. Over time, this Drive-Chassis part may wear or break, impeding the transmission of power, affecting vehicle performance and safety. Therefore, periodic replacement is recommended to maintain optimal performance. Using genuine Toyota parts for replacement ensures vehicle compatibility and benefits from Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A well-functioning Input Shaft Assembly (#35710-47040) directly contributes to the vehicle's propulsion, thus enhancing the overall efficiency of the system and ensuring a smooth, safe driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35710-47040

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