Rear Drive Shaft Assembly

About this product

The Rear Drive Shaft Assembly (#42340-08010), a critical Drive-Chassis part in the Rear Axle Shaft & Hub system, plays a substantial role in transmitting torque and rotation, enabling your Toyota vehicle to move. This assembly works in conjunction with the vehicle's transmission and differential to convert rotational power from the engine into motion. As with all components, the Rear Drive Shaft Assembly (#42340-08010) may wear down over time. An aged, broken, or non-functional Rear Drive Shaft Assembly (#42340-08010) could lead to difficulty in steering, vibrations while driving, or even total loss of power transmission, hampering the vehicle's performance and safety. Replacing this assembly with a genuine Toyota part not only ensures perfect compatibility but also brings the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This integral component thus contributes significantly to the efficient performance and overall safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 42340-08010

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