Valve Rocker Shaft Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Valve Rocker Shaft Sub-Assembly (#13901-22011), a crucial component in the Camshaft & Valve system of Toyota vehicles, plays a principal role in managing the engine's fuel intake. As part of the engine-fuel system, it allows fuel to enter while keeping exhaust gases separate. Like other parts, this shaft sub-assembly is designed to match Toyota's specification, enhancing compatibility and performance. Genuine Toyota parts, including the Valve Rocker Shaft Sub-Assembly (#13901-22011), are accompanied by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, reinforcing quality and reliability. Over time, wear and tear may impair its function, potentially leading to reduced fuel efficiency and engine performance. If left unchecked, a defective unit can cause engine misfires or even failure, emphasizing the need for regular replacement. In conclusion, this part substantially aids in maintaining engine efficiency while fostering vehicle safety, reinforcing its importance in the overall operation of Toyota vehicles.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 13901-22010
Part Number 13901-22011

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