Differential Side Gear Shaft Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Differential Side Gear Shaft Sub-Assembly (#41309-24020), a crucial component in Toyota's Rear Axle Housing & Differential system, plays an essential role in transferring power from the drivetrain to the rear wheels. As the vehicle is in operation, the gear shaft ensures smooth and balanced power distribution, aiding in stable vehicle handling. As with most auto parts, periodic replacement of the gear shaft is necessary for the maintenance of optimum functionality. An old or defective gear shaft could cause uneven power distribution, leading to potential instability during driving. Genuine Toyota Differential Side Gear Shaft Sub-Assemblies are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing assurance of compatibility and quality. In essence, this part significantly enhances the overall vehicle efficiency and safety by ensuring balanced power distribution to the rear wheels.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 41309-24020

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