Gear Shift Fork Shaft Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Gear Shift Fork Shaft Sub-Assembly (#33205-52010) is a crucial Drive-Chassis component, nestled within the Gear Shift Fork & Lever Shaft (Mtm) system of Toyota vehicles. Its vital role involves facilitating smooth and precise gear changes, working in harmony with other parts of the transmission system to facilitate this crucial operation. When shifting gears, the Gear Shift Fork Shaft Sub-Assembly (#33205-52010) interacts with the gear selector and synchronizer, enabling the vehicle to shift seamlessly between different gear ratios. However, like any other auto part, this assembly is prone to wear and tear over time. A malfunctioning or worn-out Gear Shift Fork Shaft Sub-Assembly (#33205-52010) could lead to issues with gear shifting, impacting the vehicle's performance and safety. Genuine parts from Toyota, like the Gear Shift Fork Shaft Sub-Assembly (#33205-52010), are not only compatible with your vehicle but also come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Regular replacement of this component can help avoid potential gear shift problems and promote the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's transmission system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 33205-05010;33205-02020;33205-20040;33205-20030
Part Number 33205-52010

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