Transfer Output Shaft Sub-Assembly Front

About this product

The Transfer Output Shaft Sub-Assembly Front (#36209-60020), a crucial component in the Drive-Chassis category, plays a pivotal role in the Transfer Case & Extension Housing system of a vehicle. This assembly engages power from the engine and delivers it to the wheels, allowing for efficient propulsion and motion. Genuine Toyota parts like this offer harmonized compatibility and are backed by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. Just like all mechanical components, the Transfer Output Shaft Sub-Assembly Front (#36209-60020) is subject to wear and tear over time. If left unchanged, a worn or broken component can impact the vehicle's performance, potentially causing the transmission system to fail. Regular replacement of this assembly is therefore crucial to maintain the optimal performance of the vehicle. In essence, this assembly contributes significantly to the overall vehicle safety and efficiency, ensuring seamless power transmission for a smooth driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36209-60020

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