Transfer Idle Gear Shaft

About this product

The Transfer Idle Gear Shaft (#36225-60050) is a crucial component found in the Drive-Chassis category of the Transfer Gear system of a vehicle. This part plays a key role in transferring the drive force from the engine to the vehicle's wheels, enabling smooth vehicle operation. Over time, the Transfer Idle Gear Shaft (#36225-60050) may wear out, become clogged or even break, necessitating its replacement. If left unchecked, a faulty shaft can cause significant damage to the vehicle's transfer gear system. Genuine Toyota Autoparts are highly recommended for compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. An effectively functioning Transfer Idle Gear Shaft (#36225-60050) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency of the vehicle, ensuring a smooth and safe driving experience. Hence, it is imperative to monitor and maintain the condition of this auto part regularly.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36225-60050

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