Hood Lock Control Cable Shield

About this product

The Hood Lock Control Cable Shield (#53633-22060) is a crucial component under the Body category, specifically within the Front Fender Apron & Dash Panel system of a Toyota vehicle. This auto part plays a pivotal role in securing the hood lock control cable, which is responsible for the opening and closing of the hood. The shield provides protection to the cable from potential damage that could affect its operation. If the Hood Lock Control Cable Shield (#53633-22060) becomes worn out, clogged, or damaged, it can lead to a malfunction in the hood locking mechanism. This could potentially leave the hood unsecured while driving, posing a significant safety risk. It is important to replace this part periodically with genuine Toyota auto parts for optimal compatibility and performance. All genuine Toyota parts are backed by the company's genuine parts warranty. With a fully functional Hood Lock Control Cable Shield (#53633-22060), drivers can rest assured of the safety and efficiency of their vehicle's hood locking system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 53633-22060

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