Shim Out

About this product

The Shim Out (#SU003-00633), a Drive-Chassis part in the Rear Disc Brake Caliper & Dust Cover system, is essential for optimal brake performance in Toyota vehicles. Its primary function is to mitigate vibrations between the brake pad and caliper, resulting in a smoother, quieter ride. Genuine Toyota Shim Out (#SU003-00633)s offer perfect compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Like all components in the braking system, the Shim Out (#SU003-00633) requires periodic replacement. Ignoring this can lead to escalated vibrations, noise, and potentially compromised braking efficiency. A malfunctioning Shim Out (#SU003-00633) can also cause premature wear of the brake pad and caliper, resulting in costly repairs. By ensuring smooth operation of the braking system, the Shim Out (#SU003-00633) contributes significantly to your vehicle's overall safety and efficiency. Its regular maintenance and replacement are crucial for a safe driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00633

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