Cowl Body Mounting Shim Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Cowl Body Mounting Shim Sub-Assembly (#52032-90300), an essential body part within the Cab Mounting & Body Mounting system of Toyota vehicles, plays a significant role in maintaining vehicle stability. As part of its functionality, the Shim Sub-Assembly ensures the even distribution of weight across the vehicle's frame, contributing to balance and control during operation. Over time, this part may wear down or crack, leading to imbalance, increasing the risk of vehicle instability. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering peace of mind. In summary, a well-functioning Cowl Body Mounting Shim Sub-Assembly (#52032-90300) contributes to the overall safety of the vehicle, providing a stable and controlled driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 52032-30010
Part Number 52032-90300

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