Door Lock Link Silencer

About this product

The Door Lock Link Silencer (#69759-30021), located in the Body Front and Rear Door Lock & Handle systems, is a crucial part in Toyota vehicles. It plays a pivotal role in absorbing the noise produced when the car door is locked or unlocked, providing a smoother and quieter operation. This part interacts with the door lock and handle components to dampen the mechanical sounds. Over time, the Door Lock Link Silencer (#69759-30021) may wear out or break, and when that happens, the noise levels may increase. This can diminish the comfort of your Toyota ride. Therefore, periodic replacement is recommended, preferably with genuine parts for seamless compatibility with your vehicle. Remember, all Toyota genuine parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In sum, the Door Lock Link Silencer (#69759-30021) makes the door lock system less noisy, enhancing the overall user experience and contributing to the vehicle's efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 69759-22110;69759-95110;69759-30060
Part Number 69759-30021

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