Silencer Tunnel Fslh

About this product

The Silencer Tunnel Fslh (#SU003-02946), a crucial component in the Mat & Carpet system of a Toyota vehicle, primarily functions to insulate and reduce the noise generated in the vehicle's underbody. This body part utilizes its constructed materials to absorb sounds and vibrations, delivering a quiet and comfortable ride for passengers. Over time, wear and tear can render this silencer less effective, leading to increased noise and vibration inside the vehicle. This can affect the overall driving experience and may potentially cause discomfort to passengers. Hence, regular replacement with genuine Toyota parts is essential to maintain compatibility and performance. Genuine Toyota parts, including the Silencer Tunnel Fslh (#SU003-02946), are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Replacing the Silencer Tunnel Fslh (#SU003-02946) not only ensures smooth and quiet rides, but it also contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-02946

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