Differential Lock Sleeve

About this product

The Differential Lock Sleeve (#41453-60020), a crucial component in Toyota's Drive-Chassis Front Axle Housing & Differential and Rear Axle Housing & Differential systems, plays a pivotal role. Its chief function lies in enabling effective differential locking - a mechanism that allows both wheels on the axle to rotate at the same speed, thereby enhancing the vehicle's traction. The differential lock sleeve achieves this by sliding over the axle shafts, locking them together when the differential lock is engaged. Over time, this component can wear out or become damaged, potentially leading to malfunctions in the vehicle's differential system. Failure to replace a compromised differential lock sleeve could result in reduced traction control, potentially affecting the vehicle's safety and performance. Remember, using Toyota's genuine parts, including the Differential Lock Sleeve (#41453-60020), not only ensures compatibility with your vehicle, but also comes with the support of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Differential Lock Sleeve (#41453-60020) is vital for maintaining the efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle's differential system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 41453-60020

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