Power Outlet Socket

About this product

The Toyota Power Outlet Socket (#85531-35030-B0) is a crucial component under the Switch, Relay & Computer system in a vehicle. This electrical part is primarily responsible for providing a source of power for various electronic devices within the car, such as charging mobile devices or powering portable gadgets. It functions by converting the vehicle's electrical power into a usable format for these devices. However, over time, continuous use may cause wear and tear, leading to a non-functional socket. This can lead to inconvenience, inability to use electronic devices on the go, and potential safety issues as some essential devices might depend on this power source. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is necessary, not just for vehicle compatibility but also because these are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, ensuring peace of mind. In summary, the power outlet socket significantly contributes to the convenience and safety features within Toyota vehicles.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85531-35030-B0
Color Name Dk.Gray

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