USB Charger Socket

About this product

As a crucial component within Toyota's Radio Receiver & Amplifier & Condenser system, the USB Charger Socket (#85532-WAA01) serves as a conduit for power transfer - converting the car's electrical energy into a usable source of power for USB devices. With this process, driver and passengers can keep their devices charged while on the go. Genuine Toyota USB Charger Socket (#85532-WAA01)s offer optimal compatibility with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Should the USB Charger Socket (#85532-WAA01) age, become clogged, or break, the vehicle's power supply to USB devices may become compromised or cease completely. This could result in inconvenience or potential safety issues if important devices like phones or GPS are not charged. Regular inspection and replacement of this part contribute significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of the car's electrical system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85532-WAA01

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