
About this product

The Solenoid (#SU003-03989), an integral part of the Switch & Relay & Computer system of your Toyota, plays a crucial role in the vehicle's electrical system. It operates as an electromagnetic switch, enabling large amounts of current to be safely activated by a small input current. This ensures that essential systems like the starter motor can function efficiently. Over time, Solenoid (#SU003-03989)s can wear out and may require replacement. An aged or broken Solenoid (#SU003-03989) could lead to issues such as failure to start the car, or unwarranted consumption of battery power. By opting for genuine Toyota parts, compatibility with your vehicle is maintained and you have the backing of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By ensuring optimal electrical flow to important vehicle systems, a functioning Solenoid (#SU003-03989) contributes to the vehicle's overall performance, efficiency, and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-03989

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