
About this product

The Spacer (#90560-10406), a key Drive-Chassis component within the Transfer Lever & Shift Rod system, is essential for the smooth operation of your vehicle. This part helps to create necessary distance between the different elements of the system, ensuring optimal functioning and reducing the risk of component damage. In the event that the Spacer (#90560-10406) becomes worn, clogged, or broken, it can lead to inefficient operation, including potential damage to the surrounding components. Genuine Toyota parts are known for their compatibility with your vehicle, and the Spacer (#90560-10406) is no exception. All genuine Toyota parts come with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Regularly replacing your Spacer (#90560-10406) with a genuine part will not only maintain the efficiency and safety of your Transfer Lever & Shift Rod system but also contribute to the overall performance of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90560-10406

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