
About this product

The Spacer (#90561-16009), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Brake Master Cylinder system, plays a cardinal role in maintaining the proper distance and alignment between other components. In operation, it helps prevent the wear and tear of critical brake components due to friction, thus promoting longevity and overall vehicular safety. Over time, Spacer (#90561-16009)s may degrade or malfunction, which could lead to misalignment and eventual damage of the brake system. This necessitates periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts, known for their superior compatibility with Toyota vehicles. Toyota supports their genuine parts with a robust warranty for further peace of mind. Ultimately, a high-functioning Spacer (#90561-16009) is essential to your vehicle's safety, ensuring the brake system operates optimally, providing you with reliable stopping power when you need it.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90561-16009

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