Back Window Glass Spacer #1

About this product

The Back Window Glass Spacer #1 (#64818-0R050) is a crucial part in the Back Door Panel & Glass system of your Toyota vehicle. This body part primarily maintains the correct spacing and alignment of the rear window glass. By securing the position of the glass, it ensures optimal visibility and seal integrity. As part of a system, this spacer interacts with other components like the window regulator and window glass. It's a durable part, but over time, it can wear out, get damaged, or lose its shape. When this happens, it can lead to misalignment or gaps, affecting the window's performance and potentially compromising the vehicle's safety. Remember, using genuine Toyota parts not only provides compatibility with your vehicle but also benefits from Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Replacing the Back Window Glass Spacer #1 (#64818-0R050) when required, increases the efficiency and safety of your vehicle's Back Door Panel & Glass system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 64818-42050
Part Number 64818-0R050

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