Cabin Rear Mounting Spacer Lower

About this product

The Cabin Rear Mounting Spacer Lower (#52223-28010), an essential component within the Suspension Crossmember & Under Cover system, plays a pivotal role in securing the cab of the vehicle to the frame. As the vehicle operates, the spacer provides necessary cushioning between the cab and frame, effectively absorbing shock and reducing vibration. Over time, this part can wear down or break, compromising the vehicle's overall stability and comfort. Using genuine Toyota parts, like the Cabin Rear Mounting Spacer Lower (#52223-28010), will not only ensure vehicle compatibility but also be backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If the spacer becomes old or broken, it may lead to increased vibration, affecting the vehicle's ride quality and potentially causing additional damage to other components. In conclusion, the Cabin Rear Mounting Spacer Lower (#52223-28010) contributes significantly to the overall ride quality and safety of the vehicle, making its maintenance and timely replacement essential for a smooth, safe ride.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 52223-28010

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