Console Box Spacer

About this product

The Console Box Spacer (#58875-06030) is an integral Body component within the Console Box & Bracket system for Toyota vehicles. This part's primary role is to secure and stabilize the console box, ultimately providing a smoother ride for the driver and passengers. It operates seamlessly with other components, maintaining proper alignment and reducing wear and tear. If the Console Box Spacer (#58875-06030) becomes old, broken, or clogged, it could potentially lead to misalignment or instability of the console box. Such faults can lead to discomfort while driving and could possibly escalate to safety concerns. Hence, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota Autoparts is crucial for optimal performance and compatibility. Remember, genuine Toyota parts are covered by the Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Console Box Spacer (#58875-06030)'s role in maintaining alignment and stability significantly contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58875-06030

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