Counter Gear Spacer

About this product

The Counter Gear Spacer (#33431-22020), a key component in the Transmission Gear (Mtm) system of Toyota's Drive-Chassis parts, plays a crucial role in maintaining the proper alignment and spacing of the gears. Being a genuine Toyota part, it is designed for perfect fit and seamless performance, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The functionality of this part is tied with the synchronized operation of the gearbox, ensuring smooth transitions between gears. Over time, wear and tear can reduce its efficacy, causing gear misalignment which might lead to grinding and potential transmission damage. Replacing the Counter Gear Spacer (#33431-22020) periodically can prevent these issues, enhancing the efficiency and safety of your vehicle's transmission system. Using genuine Toyota parts not only maintains the compatibility of your vehicle but also contributes in preserving its optimal performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33431-22020

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