Differential Drive Pinion Bearing Spacer

About this product

The Differential Drive Pinion Bearing Spacer (#41231-22010), a key part in Toyota's Drive-Chassis Front Axle Housing & Differential and Drive-Chassis Rear Axle Housing & Differential systems, carries out an imperative role. Its function is to maintain the correct preload on the pinion bearing, providing smooth operation and longevity to the differential system. As with any auto part, this spacer may deteriorate or break over time. When this occurs, it can cause improper pinion bearing adjustment leading to excessive play, gear whine, and potential failure of the differential. Therefore, periodic replacement is vital. Only genuine Toyota parts, like the Differential Drive Pinion Bearing Spacer (#41231-22010), should be used for replacements, as these are developed to ensure complete compatibility with your vehicle. Plus, these genuine parts are also covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In sum, this auto part contributes significantly to the overall efficiency of the car's differential system, ensuring consistent performance and safety on the road.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 04007-01128
Part Number 41231-22010

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