Disc Brake Pad Spacer #2

About this product

The Disc Brake Pad Spacer #2 (#47799-14010), a key component in the Front Disc Brake Caliper & Dust Cover system of Toyota vehicles, plays a critical role in maintaining the proper spacing between brake pads during operation. This relatively small part helps to provide consistent, smooth braking performance by preventing pad friction and uneven wear. When a Disc Brake Pad Spacer #2 (#47799-14010) becomes worn or damaged, it can potentially lead to a decrease in braking performance due to excess friction or uneven pad wear. Using genuine Toyota parts will help with vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In the context of overall efficiency and safety, a well-functioning Disc Brake Pad Spacer #2 (#47799-14010) contributes to optimum braking performance, significantly enhancing the safety and reliability of your Toyota vehicle. Therefore, periodic replacement of this part is essential to maintain optimal vehicle performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 47799-14010

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